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Campbell River and District Association for Community Living

Helping people help themselves

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Youth in Transition

The Society's mission statement reads "Rivercity Inclusion provides and advocates for local services to support people of all ages with special needs, their families and caregivers." It is important for the Society to stand by their word and provide exceptional support to the Campbell River Community. The Society is determined to create a strong Youth Transition Program so that individuals making that change can make smooth positive transitions

Community Living British Columbia provides supports and services to eligible individuals and families who are making the transition from youth to adulthood. Families need to begin transition planning long before a youth turns 19, to ensure a smooth transition, which is an important priority for CLBC. There are many different services that CLBC provides for individuals making the transition into adult life; these can include respite, community inclusion, employment support, and residential support. These services are put in place to assist individuals to live as fully and independently as possible. CLBC have a number of steps to follow that support youth and their families through this transition. 


There are three main steps the Transition process for CLBC has, each with great importance: 

1. Includes showing that your family member is eligible for CLBC adult services. This step should begin after a youth's 16th birthday. Documents will need to be gathered and be submitted to CLBC for assessment.

2. Will begin after a youths 17th birthday and once step 1 has been completed. This step includes learning about CLBC and informing them about your family member and their specific support needs. At this point a facilitator will call you to arrange a meeting to meet you and your family member; CLBC calls this an orientation to CLBC. Once the facilitator gathers and has enough information they then will submit a Request for Services for CLBC funded services for in the future (for when the youth becomes an adult).

3. CLBC includes developing a plan for adult life and to determine if a CLBC Individual Support Plan is required for CLBC funded services. This step should begin after a youth's 18th birthday. This plan can be developed with the assistance of their family, or with help of a support network, friend of a trusted advisor, or they may be developed with the support of a CLBC facilitator. 


CLBC recommends starting the process early and in the suggested times as it may take some time before your family member is able to access services. Even if your family member has accessed children's special needs services and is confirmed eligible for adult community living service, CLBC may not be able to provide support as soon as he or she turns 19, as it could take some time for services to become available. Advanced planning and accessing a range of other community supports and resources is important. In addition to applying to CLBC services, it is also important to explore different options and opportunities of support for your family member. There are a number of other government organizations that work in collaboration with CLBC that will provide support for your family member. Under individual circumstances, people may not get the chance to start the process as soon as their family member turns 16. Although the ages stated in each steps are set guidelines, CLBC would like to confirm eligibility for youth transitioning to adulthood as soon after their 16th birthday as possible, so they encourage you to being as close to the steps as you can.


Campbell River Child & Youth with Special Needs Transition Checklist


We would like to acknowledge the financial support that we receive from our funding partners. Thank you for your ongoing support,

Thank YOU!

RIVERCITY INCLUSION acknowledges and thanks the many people, businesses, and organizations who assist us with our various programs.

Friends of Rivercity Inclusion

Amazing Brace
Campbell River Mirror
Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island
City of Campbell River
Coastal Community Credit Union
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Ironwood Place
Jobs Daughters
Ladies Aux.#3097
Lions of BC Hearing Cnsv. Soc.
Marine Harvest Canada
McDonald's Restaurants
Merecroft Village Pub - MVP
Ocean Pacific
Pioneer Home Hardware
Popsey's Restaurant
Pythian Sisters
Quality Foods
Queen Alexandra Foundation
Rich's Auto Body
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Starbucks Coffee
The Real Canadian Superstore
Thrifty Foods
Vancouver Foundation
West Jet Airlines
Whales Tales


  • Address: 216-1180 Ironwood Street
    Campbell River, BC
    V9W 5P7
  • Phone: 250.286.0391
  • Fax: 250.286.3732