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Campbell River and District Association for Community Living

Helping people help themselves

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Ironwood Place

Ironwood Place is a fifty-four unit senior’s assisted living community. This program provides a range of hospitality services that promote independence, choice and dignity to the seniors who live there, to include two meals a day, recreational activities and housekeeping services.

The official groundbreaking for the 54-unit Ironwood Place occurred on Monday, November 7th, 2005. Construction was completed on January 18th, 2007 and the first 56 residents were settled into their new home by Feb 28th, 2007.

Ironwood Place is a 54 apartment residence, designed with seniors in mind, offering Assisted Living in a warm, home-like atmosphere. Each suite is equipped with a full kitchen, fire safety system, and a 24 hour emergency response system.

Assisted living is a model of seniors’ housing and support that addresses the gap between living independently and living in a long-term care facility. Ironwood Place provides a range of hospitality services in a home-like setting that promotes independence, choice and dignity.

Residents have to be self-reliant and able to make choices about the levels and delivery options of the services they desire and have to be able to manage their daily lives with a small degree of assistance. The other fundamental principle of assisted living is trying to keep people together, socializing, and enjoying life.

The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA), BC Housing, and RIVERCITY INCLUSION are proud partners in assisting elderly and disabled tenants to remain as independent as possible. Independent Living is viewed as living one’s own life in the community.

The Philosophy adopted by these partners includes an approach to care which is designed to assist residents in maintaining their independence and dignity, blended with security and peace of mind offered through a range of comprehensive services, care choices and individual levels of service. This includes:

- Focus on living rather than care;

- Services and care that allows people to “age in place” as long as it is safe for them to remain in the setting;

- Providing a caring, non-intrusive environment that encourages the development of community within the setting as well as helping people to keep up links with their family and larger community;

- Affordability for people at all income levels;

- Access to existing community services and activities available to clients residing in their own home; and

- A collaborative and supportive partnership.



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We would like to acknowledge the financial support that we receive from our funding partners. Thank you for your ongoing support,

Thank YOU!

RIVERCITY INCLUSION acknowledges and thanks the many people, businesses, and organizations who assist us with our various programs.

Friends of Rivercity Inclusion

Amazing Brace
Campbell River Mirror
Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island
City of Campbell River
Coastal Community Credit Union
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Ironwood Place
Jobs Daughters
Ladies Aux.#3097
Lions of BC Hearing Cnsv. Soc.
Marine Harvest Canada
McDonald's Restaurants
Merecroft Village Pub - MVP
Ocean Pacific
Pioneer Home Hardware
Popsey's Restaurant
Pythian Sisters
Quality Foods
Queen Alexandra Foundation
Rich's Auto Body
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Starbucks Coffee
The Real Canadian Superstore
Thrifty Foods
Vancouver Foundation
West Jet Airlines
Whales Tales


  • Address: 216-1180 Ironwood Street
    Campbell River, BC
    V9W 5P7
  • Phone: 250.286.0391
  • Fax: 250.286.3732